• Christian Romance Fiction,  Inspire

    The Ache For Happily Ever After

    I was thinking about happily ever after… The sermon series at our church has been themed on happily ever after. I’m a Christian romance author, so you know this had me from the start. This week, in a dry tone, the pastor asked us to open to the last chapter, the last verse in the book of Cinderella… where we find that “they all lived happily ever after.” Then, he directed us to the last verse of the last chapter of Sleeping Beauty, where he assured us again that we’d find, “and they all lived happily ever after.” Following that we were to go to the last chapter of Snow…

  • Christian Authors of Fiction,  Christian Romance Fiction


    Sometimes people ask if I have a favorite of my Christian romance novels. Many authors would tell you that “that’s like having a favorite child! No way!” I’m a little odd, I guess. Yeah, I have a favorite. The Carpenter’s Daughter still feels like the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit to my weary soul. While this is a Christian romance novel, this book sank into me. Like deep. Really deep. I haven’t moved past it yet. As a caveat, before I continue, let’s just clear this one thing up: I’m not Sarah Sharpe. Yes, my dad is a carpenter type guy. But that’s about all the outward similarities I…